TRIL Booking - Terms and Rental Agreement



Booking / payment constitutes full acceptance of the TRIL rental agreement (below) and all terms and conditions.


A booking with TRIL is currently only possible under the following conditions, no exceptions will be made. A TRIL booking is only possible via the contact form on this homepage and it must be mentioned that payment is to be made with TRIL. If the item "TRIL booking" in the menu is hidden / not visible no TRIL will be accepted.


Minimum stay (requirement of the city of Cape Coral): 7 nights, maximum stay with TRIL: 21 days.


The trip with the booking in TRIL must be started within the next 4 months from the respective booking date. Pre-booking (including payment) for later periods in TRIL will not be made. A reservation is not possible, only a "real" booking is considered binding and must be confirmed by us. Only then it is valid. After that a date for sending the payment link for TRIL will be agreed. Check-in on the day of arrival from 4 pm, check-out on the day of departure until 10 am at the latest.


The rental price is calculated from the price calculator (see menu item Pricing / Booking) and is calculated for the overnight stays and additional guests with a surcharge of 15% for payment in TRIL.


The tax of 11.5% (Tourist and Sales Tax) will be charged on the rental price incl. 15% TRIL surcharge as well as on the final cleaning (580 USD) and must be paid in USD cash or by check upon arrival or in advance via Paypal. Payment in any other currencies will not be accepted.


The security deposit of USD 1'500.00 must also be paid in USD via Paypal in advance. After leaving the villa and checking for any damages, the amount will be returned to your Paypal account. The risks of currency fluctuations during this period are borne by the tenant.





According to the price calculation via the item "Occupancy Plan / Price Calculator" the rental price is 3400 USD for overnight stays and 350 USD for additional guests, for the final cleaning 580 USD will be charged. All prices do not include tourist and sales tax of 11.5%. (The service fee is of course not charged, this only applies when paying via VRBO, which is not possible with TRIL).


For this, the amount of 3750 USD for the overnight stay is calculated with a surcharge of 15%, which results in a total of 4312.50 USD net for the pure rent. This amount can be paid in TRIL.


On this amount, 11.5% tax must be paid compulsorily (495.94 USD). This amount (495.94) as well as the final cleaning (580 USD + 11.5% = 646.70 USD) must be paid in USD (in total 1'142.64). In addition there is the deposit of 1'500.00 USD.



Unfortunately, we have to go this way because we have to pay exactly this amount to the government and pay the cleaning company. Therefore, we absolutely need this amount from the example in USD.



Another requirement for the payment in TRIL is the acceptance of the currently valid rental contract for TRIL bookings as well as the payment in TRIL and the payment via Paypal.


Cancellations will be refunded according to the rental contract, but the amount will only be refunded as far as TRIL arrived and fees from Paypal will be deducted. The fee for using TRIL is currently 3%.


Who agrees with all these regulations is welcome to book our house in TRIL.

Lease agreement in TRIL and other conditions to the above

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Rental conditions
Additional rental conditions
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